Transform Your Workplace:

Elevate Culture, Communication, and Well-Being with Our Cohesive Wellness Program.

New Program coming in 2025…

Cohesive Workplace Culture Wellness Program

I believe that a thriving business starts with a strong foundation of well-being, communication, and respect. My Cohesive Workplace Culture Wellness Program is design to empower your organization to reach new heights of success by nurturing and harmonizing the work environment. 

Our personal and professional lives intersect in many ways, as the common factor is ourselves. In my work with individual clients I see how burnout is impacting their quality of life; we work on managing stress and creative a self care took kid to support the effects of burnout. However, imagine doing this from an organizational point, where the whole organization has the same values; how much smoother and productive would your business be?

The Value


Assessment Phase

In the assessment phase I work with leadership to identify the current workplace culture and the needs of the business. Then we ask staff for their input on what is working and areas of growth. This information is then used to create a plan of action.


Education and Implementation Phase

During the education and implementation phase we meet regularly for several months in group settings to provide education, conduct team building exercises, and implement strategies.

Services are tailor to each business’ unique needs


Review and Future planning Phase

The review and planning phase is where we meet with leadership to discuss the success of the program and next steps. 




I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a cousin, a grand-daughter, a friend, a partner, a mentor, a therapist, a group facilitator, a consultant, a first-generation Latina, a student, an athlete, an entrepreneur, and a business woman.

Just like you, I have different roles personally and professionally. My personal experiences, culture, education, professional background, and personality all play a role in how I show up in life; because this is true for most people, I focus on providing support in different aspect of other’s lives. This could be individually in 1:1 holistic psychotherapy, in small groups where community support is built, or in the workplace where we spend a large portion of our waking hours whether in person or virtually.

I am deeply committed to guiding individuals and organizations towards positive transformations. Supporting others while they are creating a life they love living is my legacy.